Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Shenaneggans

Cooper's first Easter. He's getting so big. There are so many things he has learned to do in the last few weeks. He can go from his tummy to sitting, roll wherever he wants to go, eat crackers and throw food and utensils of his high chair (I love that one, with sarcasm) , and no he's not crawling yet, which I am not bummed about. This week is Spring break so I am going to try to clean up all the boxes and stuff from the move and spend some quality time with baby.


  1. oh my word, he's so adorable! I love that one with the duck like "hey! what do you want?!"

    DONT be bummed about not crawling--that's when you have to watch out for things and him and everything!!

    He's getting so big and looking cuter than ever!

  2. I love the second pic and the ones of him in the tie. Adorable!
